PO Box 10041
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6T6
P (807) 624-4271
E tbha@tbha.ca
It's been two years in the making and required countless meetings and hundreds of hours of volunteer time. Nevertheless, the effort and dedication of those volunteers has resulted in a 30th Anniversary Edition trail guide that we can all be proud of.
The trail guide committee was comprised of Past President, Boris Modrian; Program Coordinator, Dave Smith; Website Master, Jim Bidnall; Member at Large, Nick Goth and Trail Maintenance Coordinator, Gordon Sheppard. They put together a 64 page, full colour trail guide highlighting 19 of the TBHA's favourite trails in Northwestern Ontario and Northern Minnesota. The content of the guide was edited by TBHA members Wendy McAllister, Hilda Postenka, Maureen Tychoniak, Dr. Laurie Garred and Maureen Huntley.
TBHA partnered with Korkola Design to format and produce the final
product. We couldn't have chosen a better partner. Their design expertise and enthusiasm for the project were invaluable.
The guide is available for sale at the following retail outlets throughout the city: